Our Safe and Efficient Flea & Bed Bugs Removal Services for Commercial and Residential Clients

Flea Control
Flea infestations are very common in the UK and give irritating bites and can cause disruption and embarrassment in homes, care homes and offices. Many infestations are commonly blamed on our pests which with new and improved preventative measures available from veterinary practices and over the counter solutions.
Many Flea infestations can be brought home on your clothing from a trip on the bus, waiting rooms and walks through grassy areas, all you need is to bring 1 pregnant female home with you and you have a serious problem in your home or workplace. Sadly the over the counter home treatments, sprays and bombs are just not strong enough to solve the problem and hoovering alone will not treat it effectively.
We have fixed prices and normally 1 visit is all that is needed, there are exceptions if you have had an ongoing problem over weeks and months.
All the insecticides used by AllPests are made and designed to be used in homes, offices etc.
Bed Bug Control
Bedbug infestations have been increasing significantly over the past ten years, especially in densely populated areas with hostels, hotels and shared housing. Bedbugs often hitchhike on your clothing from one destination or another while travelling on public transport, sitting in a waiting room and hitch a lift home with you.
All Pests Control will treat the entire property, not just the infested area, we’ve known Bed Bugs migrate from an adjoining house to the other and can easily infest a block of flats in weeks if left untreated!
We will book you in for a pre-arranged treatment as you will need to prepare your home ready for our arrival. Our operatives work Monday to Friday to promptly and efficiently treat bedbugs. We are specially trained in the latest professional strength insecticide treatments that are not available to the general public. We guarantee a fast, thorough and reliable service every time.
All Pests aim to treat all bedbug-related problems quickly. If you need urgent assistance, please call us now on 07961 927 975.